WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world. It is a free and open-source blogging platform that powers over 60 million websites. Website design companies have been using WordPress for years to create beautiful, highly functional websites for their clients. This blog post will discuss all that a WordPress website design company can do for you and your business.
The Services
- WordPress Website Design
The first service provided by a wordpress website design company is designing you a beautiful, responsive WordPress website. It includes choosing the perfect theme for your business or organization and customizing it to fit your brand image. The next step they will take after creating your new site is optimizing it so that search engines can find it.
Once this has been completed, they will launch the live version of the site on an internet domain name (your web address). They can also provide help in migrating existing websites from other platforms like Shopify or Weebly if needed.
- WordPress Plugin Development
Website design companies also specialize in creating custom plugins for WordPress. These are small computer programs that allow you to do a wide variety of tasks on your site without having to code them yourself! Common plugin examples include contact forms, image galleries, social media share buttons, and email marketing campaigns.
WordPress website design companies can also create new themes from scratch if there is not one already available online they like – this would significantly reduce the time it takes to develop your site since they wouldn’t have to start completely from scratch as with a new theme. Speak with your WordPress website design company about all the possibilities when it comes to designing an amazing plugin just for you.
- Content Creation
One of the best things that a WordPress website design company can offer you is to create written, visual and video content for your site. They will do this using blogging, guest posting on other websites’ blogs with links back to yours, or creating YouTube videos. Content marketing has been proven time and again to be one of the most effective ways to get new leads online.
- Maintenance
The final service included in a WordPress website design company’s package is maintenance and support. They will help you keep your site running smoothly by fixing bugs, updating plugins when needed, and providing general tech support as well! No matter what kind of issue arises with your WordPress website, they’ll be able to fix it for you quickly so that you can get back online ASAP.
- Social Media Integration
Website design companies can even help you with your social media accounts! They will create a strategy for all of them and implement it to have an active presence on each platform – including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This is important because not only does this increase the number of people who see what great work you’re doing, but it also helps to boost SEO as well.
- Search Engine Optimization
SEO is an incredibly important part of getting your website found online. SEO will help search engines like Google, Bing & Co. to find your business easily! A WordPress website design company can provide you with everything you need when it comes to optimizing each page on the site for different keywords and phrases – this helps tremendously in driving traffic from organic sources (those which are not paid ads).
- Mobile Compatibility
One of the most important things for any business today is to make their website mobile-friendly. The world’s gone mobile – and you need to be able to connect with your customers no matter where they are! A WordPress website design company can help by making sure that not only does your site look good on a phone or tablet but functions properly too.